Mayor's Court

Now you are in Mayor's Court - the Bane of the Innocent.

The Mayor enters. He looks a little ragged. He has tooth and scratch marks around his neck and it appears that someone has bitten a chunk out of his ear.

"Is this the rat bastid?" He suddenly yells and lunges at you. The arresting officer restrains him, otherwise you would surely suffer physical damage.

"This is the alleged perpetrator," the officer replies, helping the Mayor onto the bench.

"Run Mama off the road," the Mayor had seemed to be calming down, but now he is standing waving his fist at you. "I sentence you to the Shades of HADES!

The officer approachs the bench and reminds the Mayor, who is making evil faces at you the entire time, that the Shades of Hades may be outside his judicial power. The Mayor thinks for a moment and then slams the gavel on the bench, saying "$700 and court costs."

You will

pay the fine with a smile
wait to talk to a lawyer

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