More Goomfletch

Hi A.J., This is one of the better replys to my E-venture I had to pass it along:


Date: Sun, 17 Mar 1996 11:24:10
From: Thomas Sulivan
Subject: Re: Bad News Bubba

At 09:56 PM 8/17/96 +0000, you wrote:
Aye, Goomba!

I love your sad, but true story. Now the Bad News . . . . Zeek and Elmo have moved to Vacaville, California! Whadda we gonna do now? Dem crazy bastards are flunking 46% of the cars they're testing! Especially the FWDs that go flying off the dynometer! Where is Stella, now that we need her?

We are having a full blown demonstration at the State Capitol on August 21st. Checkitout on this website:
Yer Fren
in San Jose, California


Hello Mike,

Yes here in Ohio we have had several public meetings, Mass demonstrations, Press coverage at least once a week if not once a day. In one instance the Bomb squad was called to a test center.

The bottom line is that at the state level graft can be a healthy incentive! Then they can always soapbox about the number of jobs created. Face it when Zeek and Elmo found out those were not actually "Flavor Holes" in the White Castle hamburgers they were flipping they let the word out and found them selves in the unemployment line!!! Thus Envirotest has 2 dedicated employees who have learned never to give out a trade secret. As for Stella I dont think she has a chance of ending up in your neck of the woods...She appeared to me as the type who had a good job as a girls highshool phys. ed instruter, But had to resign due to morals charges. I dont think the terms of her parole allow her to leave the state of Ohio. Damm shame too,She could have had a fantastic career as a blocker on the L.A. Thunderbirds ladies rollerskating team!!

Your best bet is to keep the system guessing, Never allow them to belive they are in controll.

Remember two famous quotes:

"In a insane society the sane man must appear insane In order to surrive" Spock on Star Treck

"When the going gets weird....The weird turn pro" Hunter S. Thompson...(Fellow from out your way)

Take my brothers Priest outfit one step further...Have your wedding party go for their test between Church and the reciption. Invite the local media to participate!!!!!!! Put public opinion on your side!!!! that is what got 1/2 these shumcks that approved this plan in office. It is also what can remove them.

In the mean time do your part as a citizen...make this program more costly to opperate than the post office!

Later, Goomfletch

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c 1996 Goomfletch. This story may be distributed only if it is not altered in any way and is distributed freely without charge.