Richfield Police Department

PO Box 387
4410 Streetsboro Rd
Richfield, Ohio 44286-0387

Chief John E Walsh


Arthur J Horning
4083 West Streetsboro Rd
Richfield, Ohio 44286
02 January, 1997

Mr Horning,

Six violations of Richfield Ordinance 303.11 (Unlicensed Motor Vehicles on Private Property/Minor Misdemeanor 1st. Offense) an one violation of Richfield Ordinance 303.12 (Collector's Vehicles On Private Property/Minor Misdemeanor First Offense) have been documented on the property located at 4083 W Streetsboro, Richfield, Ohio 44286.

The vehicles in question are listed below:

  1. 1965 VW V.W.- Ohio license number NLZ-429 VIN- 21528406 Expired: 11/30/96
  2. 1965 VW V.W.- Ohio license number QFX-041 VIN- 225134315 Expired: 12/15/96
  3. 1971 VW V.W.- Ohio license number NLX-095 VIN- 111276275 Expired: 12/15/96
  4. 1971 VW V.W.- Ohio license number QFX-038 VIN- 2312258114 Expired: 12/15/94
  5. 1974 VW V.W.- Ohio license number NYJ-098 VIN- 1342490863 Expired: 12/15/96
  6. 1971 VW V.W.- Ohio license number JRJ-317 VIN- 2212259521 Expired: 11/30/96

Additionally, the following collector's vehicle is improperly stored:

  1. V.W. pickup truck (only half tarped) in back yard

It is requested you correct the listed violations within five (5) days from the receipt of this notice. If the violations are not corrected in the alotted time frame, the vehicles will be subject to impoundment, forfeiture and subsequent sale at public auction for scrap value in accordance with Richfield Ordinances 303.17, 303.18, 303.15, and 303.16.

Additionally, you will be subject to criminal penalties for violations of Richfield Ordinances 303.11 and 303.12 respectively. Should you have any questions or need assistance in removal or disposal of the vehicles, please contact the Richfield Police Department at 216-659-9500.


J. J. Davis

cc: Melanie Tibbs/Zoning